Friday, June 1, 2007

Why do People Fight??

A fight between two people is oftenly seen in our day to day life. Not differentiating myself from the mainstream society, i also get indulge into fights many a times.

There can be many reason for the person getting into a fight, the reason which i derived was little different (thats what i think). Fights can be of two types one is external, in which one fights with the other person and the other one is internal, wherein one fights with ones own innerself. Also the latter can be taken as the cause for the former in many cases.

An internal fight is between the expectations of others and our own desires. And as a part of reality we rarely fulfil our desires and work hard to come upto the expectations of others. This creats some kind of disonance in our mind and prepares the platform for frustations and this frustration works as the major ingredient for any fight. It ignites ones temperament and forces him or her to get involved in fight which is external in nature.

In my opinion, we need to bridge the gap between our desires and others expectations in a proper manner in order to reduce the instances of Fights. now this is what i think..can u suggest some other measures of reducing the number of fights??

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